Thursday, November 27, 2003

home of the Manifold® System Users Group

Napi Map

The Rocky Mountains of Alberta are said to represent the backbone of the OLD MAN. Ka na nahtsis is his headress, the Nose Hill in Calgary is the center of his face, the Elbow River is a part of his arm, the Bow River is his bow, the Little Bow used to be his arrow, the Porcupine hills are his breast plate, the buffaloe jump is the bottom of the rib cage. There was the Heart River, the Belly River, Chief Mountain was his organ. There was the Thighs River, the Knees River and down by Missoula, Montana there still is the Blackfeet River.

The OLD WOMAN has her body parts are marked out in the vicinity of Medicine Hat, the Cypress Hills and Milk River region. Elk Island is her dress, the Cypress hills are her womb, Milk River is her lactation, Po kaw ke lake is her name and Seven Person's is her children.

I saw your query about the world's largest map. And I saw the response describing the Eartha globe. See:

In ancient times, a *very* large map of the world was produced as a mosaic on the floor of a church in Madaba, Jordan. See:

For a better picture of this map, see :

There was some discussion about the impossibility of making a 1:1 representation of a large geographic area. However, anthropomorphic (body-part) maps were "constructed" at this ratio over 3000 years ago. These "maps" were made

by configuring the human-like body of a god or goddess on the face of the earth and then allocating the name of each body part to the area or feature that was under that part.... ( I learned about this technique from Dan Moonhawk Alford and Stan Knowlton. They described the map of Napi, the creator of the Blackfoot indians, in Alberta, Canada and northern Montana. For more information, do a Google Web search on "Turtle Island" + Knowlton. Turtle Island is an American indian designation for North America. At 1:1, that's a very large map. :-)

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