Monday, December 8, 2003

"I can't teach you to be an artist; all I can do is help you learn to see." J. P. Loveless

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Art of Effortlessness

How to schroll around a large image at using "clear" (invisible?) gif on HTML page? but can't view source (?)

The Dada Manifesto (1918):

The signatories of this manifesto have, under the battle cry D A D A ! ! !

gathered together to put forward a new art. What, then, is Dadaism? The word "Dada" signifies the most primitive relation to the reality of the environment. . . . Life appears as a simultaneous muddle of noises, colours and spiritual rhythms, which is taken unmodified, with all the sensational screams and fevers of its reckless everyday psyche and with all its brutal reality. . . . Dada is the international expression of our times, the great rebellion of artistic movements, the artistic reflex of all these offensives, peace congresses, riots in the vegetable market. . . . (Hughes, 71)

arist Marcel Duchamp was known for dada and cubist work (e.g., Nude Descending a Staircase).

One of the popular daily newspapers in Israel is called "Yidiot Akhronot", literally "the last (latest) knowledge". But many call it the Last Idiot.

Growing in awareness and consciousness is what the path of Tao is about: think we should aspire to become individuals, to become whole and

complete, to free ourselves from various forms of conditioning and

programming. Tao

The best life is the hidden life.

Maps are more than pieces of paper

they are stories, conversations,

lives and songs lived out in a place

Maps are inseparable from the political and cultural contexts in which they are used.

"The secret of life is to have a task, something you devote your entire life to, something you bring everything to, every minute of the day for your whole life. And the most important thing is - it must be something you cannot possibly do." -- Henry Moore

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