Friday, August 13, 2004

IssueMap crawled the Mweb sites, captured the sites' outgoing links, and found all common outgoing links, and rendered them, together with the interlinkings between participant sites in a social network map using centrality spatialisation techniques.

The cornerstone of Attensity's software solution PowerDrill is its ability to extract valuable pieces of data from free-form text - and combine them with structured data - to deliver high-value, actionable information. "The use of diagramming rather than rules or examples is more accurate and specific".

MuralMosaic :

"Most people see what is, and never see what can be." - Albert Einstein

"... but i prefer someone like ernst who allowed his art to reflect the inward journey he cherished, with all its bumps and curves and smoothness. the older i get the more i realize how valuable ernst and all his experiments are to me. that includes the paintings i do not care for at all..." - McLaughlin

"There are two problems with GIS : 1) it's expensive, and 2) it costs a lot." - Ron Wild

NetMaps offer two significant advantages: 1) you don't have to pay for them, and 2) they're free.

"After alligator wrestling, or federal politics, there are few occupations as evidently foolhardy as Information Mappping.' - Ron Wild

"Nothing has to happen" - The Universe

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