Monday, September 27, 2004

"...every map is like a little snapshot of history; each is a visual history." - David Rumsey He discovered Luna Imaging, which is known in academic circles for its research tools and has ties to the Getty Art History Information Program. "This is gaming technology, but no one is shooting anyone up," he laughs. The technology comes from Geographic Information Systems, developed by Telemorphic, of Berkeley. It also allows the user to compare maps side by side from different years, providing something of the march of history. His site is also branching into his original love -- fine art, with links to visual collections that number in the tens of thousands. Rumsey studied and taught photography at Yale, and his own Hockney-like photo collages adorn the upper levels of his home.

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Free Software to Organize your Files on a Map or any Graphic. Mac only Example with layers

The Making of the Gettysburg PowerPoint Presentation "I posted the presentation on my web site that night and promptly forgot about it. But some people noticed, and it began to spread by word of mouth (and link, and email)."

First time I noticed (google_alternate_ad_url = "") running showing 120x600 clip of home map.

Map Man BBC TWO 7.30pm from 16th September for 8 weeks Armed with a combination of ancient drawings, modern carto-technology, and of course his trusty umbrella walking stick, Nick uses the tools of his trade to discover how mapmakers have charted mountains, shrunk oceans to measurable drops and reduced sprawling cities to navigable diagrams.

"No art, however minor, demands less than total dedication if you want to excel in it." - Leon Battista Alberti, (architect, painter and mathematician)

"A way can be a guide, but not a fixed path" - Tao Te Ching

"I cannot afford to waste my time making money." - Louis Agassiz

"There are three principal ways to lose money: wine, women, and engineers. While the first two are more pleasant, the third is by far the more certain."- Baron Rothschild

"A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do."- Bob Dylan

"All you have to decide is what you're going to do with the time you are given."- Gandalf

"In the end, everything is a gag."- Charlie Chaplin

(above from )

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