Wednesday, February 23, 2005

"We're interested in developing new interfaces that reduces the costs of understanding information." User Interface Research (UIR) is a research group in the Information Sciences & Technology Lab at PARC also work on novel graphical user interface techniques such as 3D and 2D information visualization and large format displays. : Unlike classical HCI, much of the interaction is at the level of the information itself, rather than at the level of the device, and the semantic content of the information is hugely important (info maps?). Projects ; Publications ;

Testing prototype :

How to protect pictures and graphics? There are JavaScript techniques to disable the right click; there are masking techniques whereby another (transparent) image is superimposed over the one you wish to protect; there are mouseover and mouseout techniques that flip the image to something else when the mouse is over it, or change the page completely as the mouse encroaches; there are a variety of other coding techniques that people have come up with to prevent downloads. (None of these techniques works). Regardless of the methods used to make capture off the displayed page more difficult, the individual files remain in the cache until they are purged. If the page can be displayed, they images can be saved.

FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java. :

Timeline (using Dreamweaver), allows you to be able to simulate animation using a timeline feature they have created with JavaScript. :

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