Friday, September 2, 2005 is similar(?) to my earlier Sackler map : ------->

1748 highly detailed map of Rome byNolli (original was made in 12 sections since it was too big, sixby seven feet) ;

"...Holmes will address the role of art and activism in the effort to redraw regional maps, examining the various 'microcartographies of difference, dissent, deviance, and refusal' that have arisen in response to the consolidation of multi-states. ... In keeping with 16 Beaver's stated goals, his seminar will represent a 'point of many departures.' " :

‘I have occasionally described my standpoint to my friends as the "narrow ridge,"’ writes Buber. ‘I wanted by this to express that I did not rest on the broad upland of a system that includes a series of sure statements about the absolute, but on a narrow rocky ridge between the gulfs where there is no sureness of expressible knowledge but the certainty of meeting what remains undisclosed.’ (Martin Buber, Between Man and Man, trans. by Ronald Gregor Smith [London: Kegan Paul, 1947] p.184).

"I am rich...not in money, but because I have found in my work something which I can devote myself to heart and soul, and which inspires me and gives meaning to life." - Vincent van Gogh, March 1883 .

"A map is the dead body of where you've been. A map is the unborn baby of where you're going.".... Maps are pictures of what isn't." - Russell Hoban (The Lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz. London, Picador, 1974 p.121).

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