Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Facets (like attribute categories):

Personality (the something in question, e.g. a person or event in a classification of history, or an animal in a classification of zoology)

Matter (what something is made of)

Energy (how something changes, is processed, evolves)

Space (where something is)

Time (when it happens)


Paul Kahn's seminar "Mapping Web Sites" section Navigation Problems: http://www.dynamicdiagrams.com/sitemap/sitemap.html

Disorientation: the tendency to get lost inside a web site.

Cognitive overload: the additional effort needed to maintain several tasks or trails at the same time.

The absence of a physical context: you see only one page at a time. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; ) see Golden Zoom up to 8 page view at one time

Increase of the need of graphical context cues, that reinforce in each page the idea of what the contents of the web is.

The lack of control over the "rhetoric of arrival". You can reach a particular web page in many ways, even from outside of the web site itself.

The advent of increasingly visual and better structured browsers like Vivisimo, Grokker or TouchGraph is beginning to shake up a world that seemed to be static. A definitive reference point appears to still be beyond the horizon, but we are definitely closer. For a long time we have been wondering if Internet browsing will continue obviating visualisation, delivering endless lists of results that we have to individually consider. We have already spoken about the attempts to make browsing and searching a friendlier activity, easing the navigation through Internet and through the mountains of information that fall daily on our shoulders (see in the archive numbers 24, 47, 48, 51, 52, 55, 70). http://www.infovis.net/E-zine/2004/num_138.htm

http://www.touchgraph.com/ TouchGraph LLC

http://www.kartoo.com KarTOO

http://www.groxis.com Groxis

http://vivisimo.com/ Vivisimo

2003's Most Wanted Search Terms http://www.searchenginewatch.com/searchday/article.php/3296341

"G" \\Ppi_srv1\sys\InetPub\Navigation\FibonacciZoom\GoldenGridLogo.jpg

"Circles within Squares" is based on an old nesting idea http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/pictures/kepler-spheres-1.jpg

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." (Arthur C. Clarke)

"Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"With the most primitive means the artist creates something which the most ingenious and efficient technology will never be able to make." - Kasimir Malevich

Highlighting text with CSS

Wrapping our paragraph in a styled "div" has given this paragraph the highlighted red line on the left. This is a very stylish method for highlighting sections of text.

This is another commonly used method of highlighting text. This is easily accomplished with CSS.

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