Thursday, April 6, 2006

Web 2.0 Mashup Center : Top 50 of 551 mashups and examples. Here's a cloud view of the API's that were used :

Introduction to Ajax :

Web 2.0 MemeMap : Via

TrashMap :

Cybercartography : "the organization, presentation, analysis and communication of spatially referenced information on a wide variety of topics of interest and use to society in an interactive, dynamic, multimedia, multisensory and multidisciplinary format."

DigiLondon : is a new way to find location based information in London (using Google Earth and Google Maps and Wikipedia ).

Images in map border number referenced to location :

Tagged as blog blogs design gis graphics history interesting map maps mind visualization web at by 15 people so far.

Strange Artifacts :

Deleted from (?)

Generalization of Marion's theorem: the ratio of the area of the triangle to the area of the hexagon is: 1/8(3n+1)(3n-1).'... perimeter of a hexagon is exactly equal to six times the radius of the circumscribed circle.' What is the name of Piet Hein's new shape?

In a remote village in China hundreds of years ago there lived a wise farmer and his son. The wise farmer was respected in the village and also admired, for he owned a beautiful stallion. One day, the stallion ran away.
The villagers flocked to the old farmer’s home and offered sympathies over the farmer’s loss.
"Oh poor farmer, you must be so sad to have lost your most valuable possession.” “What a terrible thing to have lost your stallion." “What ever will you do?” And so on…
The wise farmer responded, “Indeed, my stallion is missing. This is interesting.”
Weeks passed and still no stallion. Finally, one day, the stallion returned! With it, he brought a beautiful wild mare. The villagers rejoiced. “What good fortune! You not only have your stallion back but a wonderful mare as well! How lucky you are!”
The wise farmer quietly responded, “Indeed, this is interesting.”
The farmer’s son was quite excited about the arrival of the new wild mare and saw it as an opportunity to tame her. The farmer agreed. The time came to try and ride the mare. When the son did, the mare bucked and threw him, breaking his leg. The villagers soon heard of the latest turn of events and came running to the farmer’s home.
“Oh what bad luck!” they agreed. “This is so unfortunate. What will happen if your son cannot work the fields?!”
The wise farmer was his calm self. “This is interesting,” he quietly repeated as he began to prepare for the journey to the doctor, days’ travel away.
Soon after, much to the dismay the villagers, the Chinese army came to town looking to take able-bodied young men to fight the latest bloody war. The farmer’s son was passed over of course, left to heal from his (relatively) minor wound.
“Interesting,” thought the farmer.

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." - Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
"Man can only receive what he sees himself receiving" - Florence Scovel Shinn

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