Monday, February 4, 2008

Hyperbolic Space (Introduction) : (Like the blind man and the elephant, hyperbolic space appears in different guises depending on how we approach it). Via

The Museum of Play Maps

TOURIST ATTRACTION ...OR PSYCHO-PATH? Tales from the underground

Abstract thoughts stop motion animation... over photo of paintings

(Definition) "Visualizing" : the surest, fastest, most ingenious way, between here and there.

Side-barred under 'Map Sites' :

"The child, but dimly aware at the time -- Remembers all his life The shock of being born." - Bradford Shank
"If, as the Moors believed, repeated patterns connote the divine, we might conclude that Heaven itself would be a hyperbolic space." - Via
"Let the lion give one roar and the brains of the little foxes will split open." - Radical Talk from Rinzai

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