Monday, March 3, 2008

Making an Internet Map : (of Global TopLevelDomains) Via Martin Dodge

MapShot(SnapShot Map rollovers) : (can even show satellite maps in the shot).

TextArc is a visual represention of a text (twice!) on a single page : (A funny combination of an index, concordance, and summary; it uses the viewer's eye to help uncover meaning). Overviews of : the interactive work and the prints. Via

A bit of flexagon theory :

Movement Map : (1hr in Front of the TV)

Arctic Ice Melt Map :

Garbage Mapping :

Network forms a tiling of the P surface which unwraps in the hyperbolic plane to a tiling by hexagons :

Archive for the ‘Borders and Boundaries’ Category :

The 10 tenents of chindogu (the art of the unuseless idea; strangely practical and utterly eccentric inventions) : Via

"I just do what I do. It's you who calls it art." - R.B.Wild (after John Cage)
"There lies in the Ocean an island which is called The Lost. In Charm and all kinds of fertility it far surpasses every other land, but it is unknown to men. Now and again it may be found by chance; but if one seeks it, it cannot be found, and therefore it is called The Lost." - Honorius of Autun, De Imagine Mundi,a 12th century Catholic priest, about AD 1130
"Help thy brother's boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore." - Hindu Proverb
"Your physical senses give you many perks... But perhaps their greatest gift lies in presenting you with the opportunity to assess the world around you at any given point in your life, to compare what you think you've been thinking, to what you've really been thinking." - The Universe
"There is nothing better than that all should enjoy their work, for that is their lot." - Ecclesiastes 4.22, The Holy Bible

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