Wednesday, December 2, 2009

(Forum) '3D Modelling, Rendering and Visualisation' (Square Polygon)

(TED video) Eye tricks can reveal the way the brain processes visual information (or fails to do so).

Cognitive Load Theory: Failure?

Top 100 Most-Frequenty Cited Books in the English Wikipedia

(Definition) "perturbation theory" : the study of the effects of small disturbances. Mathematical methods are used to find an approximate solution to a problem which cannot be solved exactly, by starting from the exact solution of a related problem.

The science of fun

Tim Burton at MoMA

Her work has involved layers of topography, urbanism, and linguistic symbols in a visual metaphor for the development of self.

How to Make $ by Giving Away Your Work

Self-publishing opportunity :

"A geek illuminated from within by the source of their own geeky pleasure is one of the brightest lights in the universe." - Via
"Did I take a moment to imagine what I would like to experience in my life, if for no other reason than in the imagining, is the living, and in the living, comes the joy and delight?" - Veronica Hay
"The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through." - Pollock
"As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery Via
"There’s a point when you’re done simplifying. Otherwise, things get really complicated." - Ethos

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